mandag 30. august 2010
søndag 29. august 2010
nok et herrekort
flere barnevogner
så eg har laget 2 til
en blå og en rosa
disse er mine bidrag til disse utfordringene
*Scrappekammeret #13- kort/kreasjon uten stempeltrykk!
*Paper player #13- anything goes
*Stamptacular #77- pretty in pink (the pink baby-pram is my contribution for this challenge)
*Aly's sunday challenge #24- pretty in pink (the pink baby-pram is for this challenge)
*one stitch at the time #28- girly or color scheme
*my sheri crafts challenge #20- babies
*ABC challenge - B is for blue (the blue baby-pram is for this challenge)
Cowgirls Up blog hop.
today we are having a blog hop, to celebrate the release of new images from CJ over at the stamp'en ranch
If yoU came from Barbara yoU are on the right track and yoUr next stop is Bettina's blog
If this is yoUr first stop for the day, please go to the Cowgirls Up blog to begin yoUr hop.
DUring the hop there will be candy to win as well. To win the candy yoU "mUst hop" along the list in order, and look for the letter to spell oUt the sentence.
Leave a comment on each blog beginning at oUr challenge blog and ending with an ending comment at oUr challenge blog. Once yoU have collect all of the letters to spell oUt the sentence you mUst e-mail your answer to raesweb@yahoo.com
We will be Picking the candy winner by a nUmber generator.
now on to this weeks challenge: (yoU do not have to hop to win this challenge)
this is my first ever card as a Cowgirls Up-posse.
And the challenge today is to Make yoUr own flowers.
I have Used to new image SUnflowerfield, the image is available in the Cowgirls Up Stamp'an ranch together with all the other new images been realeased today
Crafty Ribbons is oUr Sponsor for the challenge win.The winner of the challenge will receive the Flower Ribbons plUs 3 images from CJ and the Winners Badge to display on their blog.
The "Top 3" will each receive 2 images from CJ and the "Top 3" Winners badge to display on their blogs.
Still havent foUnd my letter?
it is the letter U
I have also entered my card into a few challenges:
*Allsorts #67- park inspirations
*Bee crafty #37- anything goes
*Sew many cards#24- happy birthday
*Meljen design #22- happy birthday
*sundays with crissy #8 - favorite time of year
also: Candy to celebrate DT-position!
just leave a comment on this post, to be able to win this candy
I would apreciate it if you joined the blog-hop over at Cowgirls Up
Cowgirls Up Christmas Card for soldier campaign

den går ut på å lage et julekort, og sende det til CJ, som videresender de til amerikanske soldatene som er ute i tjeneste i utlandet.
slik at de kan få sende kort hjem til familiene sine!
obs: det må ikke brukes glitter på julekortene.
dette kan sette soldatenes liv i fare.
Cowgirls Up is having a christmas-card for soldier campaign
So I bet your wondering, "What is go'n on"? Well, our challenge for September 12th is to create Christmas cards. The cards will be sent to CJ. We will be adding her address to the challenge post. The cards will be sent by CJ to the appropriate party who gets them disperssed to the Soldiers. Then the Soldiers send sign the cards and send them home to their families and loved ones.
People can make as many cards as they would like, just please no shiny stuff or glitter. It can endanger the soldiers lives. This is a request by the people we will be sending the cards too.
lørdag 28. august 2010
*Rosie D #78- one for the boys
torsdag 26. august 2010
vintage bryllupskort
mandag 23. august 2010
mega blogcandy

søndag 22. august 2010
fredag 20. august 2010
Nok et Kenny K kort
torsdag 19. august 2010
Spotlight card
onsdag 18. august 2010
altered item
mandag 16. august 2010
DT: Kort o mania # 22
og denne har vi gledet oss til lenge.
det er nemli så enkelt som : Bruk ditt favorittstempel!
eg har falt helt for stemplene til Daniel Torrente, som fåes kjøpt hos Stampotique
på dette kortet har eg brukt Moth Fab
denne er fra Norsk stempelblad
legger de og inn som bidrag til disse utfordringene:
*Alotha #41- fall colour*
*cooking it up with Kate #24- make a flowery pink square
*your next stamp #22- birthdays
*Bunny Zoe's #3- Vintage
*Kaboodle doodle #37 - Add a little metall
*mønsterark fra K&Company
*bokstaver fra AdornIt
-motivet er Moth fab fra Stampotique
-teksten er fra norsk stempelblad
søndag 15. august 2010

They will be having a Hop, Candy, Image release and a challenge with sponsors like
The winner will receiving a fab stash from Crafty Ribbons and 4 images of choice from CJ!
Mark your crafty calendars!
August 29th!
lørdag 14. august 2010
Glimmering hope with wings
*my partner in carfting crime #8- teen or tweens
fredag 13. august 2010
et av mine favoritt-stempel
lilla bryllupskort
søndag 8. august 2010
Vinner av blogcandyen min
onsdag 4. august 2010
lilla og grønt kort
*Crafts and me # 10 - purple and green
*Pennys paper play # 35 - anything goes
*daring cardmaker - it's a girl thing
*creative card crew - lets get cute and girly
*friday sketchers # 113 - skisse
*mønsterark fra -nille og 3ndy papir
-motiv fra crafts and me :adrianna
-tekst fra kort og godt
-kantstempel fra ?
*motiv malt med distress
tirsdag 3. august 2010
mandag 2. august 2010
Mojo # 150
kort med nytt stempel!!!
eg måtte jo bare skaffe meg noen av disse flotte stemplene
fikk de i hus idag, og har allerede laget et kort med et av de
dette kortet er mitt bidrag til disse utfordingene:
*Scrappekammeret#11- kammerpikenes skisse
*Flutter by wednesday # 115 - angel,fairy or butterfly
*Haunting design house #50-foul fluttering
*Cupcake craft#102 . distressing
*sir stampalot august challenge - bring on the bling
*Stampacular # 70 - out of this world
*mønsterark fra MME
*diverse blomster
*stempel fra craft and me - hiding
søndag 1. august 2010
Kenny K's meets Stampavie and more
DT- Kort o mania # 21
nok en dekorert LP
denne er mitt bidrag til disse:
*Allsorts - dressing up
*sir stampalot august challenge - bring on the bling
*Crafty catz #43- material girl
*Alotha #40 - distressed card
* vintage udfordring # 4 - bruk blomster
*gamle boksider
*distress re-inkers
*diverse blomster
*bilde fra internett
*tekst fra norsk stempelblad